Monday, March 25, 2013

Closing out chapters and starting new ones!

So because I struggle with keeping my blog up to date, I'm going to do a quick recap of what's been going on over the last couple months!!

So I spent January and February in Thailand, it was an amazing and challenging time and I really learned so so much! We got back from Thailand on February 28, and spent the next week speaking at churches and debriefing outreach as well as reuniting with the team who went to Cambodia! The DTS graduated on March 9, it was a beautiful day of celebrating all that God did in and through each of the students, and we were all very proud to see them finish out! So we were left with a quiet house once again, but only for about a week because we started our spring DTS on March 17! It's an amazing school of 12 students who just want to grow closer to the Lord and they are such a great group! We are also about to start our WISE school in about a week, so it has been busy times of preparing and then starting schools, but it has been great!

Some of our new DTS students and I at our local soda shop! (Photo by Sarah King)

 It's definitely been a time of transition for me, as many of you know my commitment with YWAM Charlotte is up at the beginning of April, at that time I'm going to be moving back home to Calgary to follow the next thing the Lord has for me! Over the past couple of years the Lord has really done amazing healing in my heart and has specifically restored my view of myself, and also placed a passion on my heart to see that happen in others! I want to restore true beauty and worth by God's standards not the worlds! I don't know fully what that looks like, but I do feel the Lord has called me to get my training as a hair dresser and then use that to love people and pour truth into them! So I'm planning to work this summer and save up to go to school this fall to get trained up!

It is such an exciting and scary journey! You wouldn't think it would be scary to go home, but my life has totally changed since I left Calgary and I don't really know what to expect out of it all, but I do know God has called me! Not only is it crazy to go home, it's crazy to leave YWAM Charlotte, leave my second family and my incredible friends! Basically everything is changing and this kid is not the biggest fan of change, but I am holding onto God's faithfulness in all of it!

So obviously because I am leaving in a couple weeks, I'm not staffing either of the schools, but I am staying to help out wherever I can! This in itself has been a weird transition because I've always been staffing the schools that we've had. It's been great though because I have had time to just process my last couple of years here as well as spending time investing in relationships here!

Cassie and Hannah my amazing friends!
The Lord has really shown His faithfulness through the last few weeks, in a sense helping me tie up any lose ends! Repairing relationships, furthering relationships and helping me to finish in the best way possible! It has been challenging but also very rewarding and I realize more and more what an incredible place and incredible people I have surrounding me here!

I am going to miss this place more than I could ever express, but I am also so excited to continue on this journey that the Lord has for me! He is faithful and He is good. PRAISE!